Welcome to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) virtual citizen information meeting on the proposed improvements to Wythe Creek Road (Route 172) in Hampton and Poquoson. The improvements will begin in Hampton at Langley Boulevard and continue along Wythe Creek Road to Huntlandia Way in Poquoson for a project length of 1.68 miles.
This virtual citizen information period is being held to provide an opportunity for citizens and nearby organizations to learn about the project’s updated design and changes in scope, in a safe manner during Virginia’s State of Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.
The public has an opportunity to review all project exhibits and materials virtually and to submit questions and comments for the project team through this project website. You can also request a print copy of the materials mailed to you by reaching out to the project manager.
An online comment form as well as a printable version is included in the virtual materials for this meeting, and public input is encouraged. Questions and comments related to the project details will be accepted until December 3, 2020.
Materials shared are viewable in Adobe PDF format, unless otherwise specified.
To review the full set of project plans, please contact Project Manager, Mr. Samba Secka at 757-956-3058, TTY/TDD 711, to arrange for digital or print access.
Reversible Roadway
The project provides a three lane reversible roadway in Hampton, with two lanes being operated in the southbound direction in the AM peak hour, and two lanes in the northbound direction in the PM peak hour. The center lane will operate as a two way center left turn lane in the off peak hours.
Reversible traffic lanes add capacity to a road and decrease congestion by borrowing capacity from the other (off-peak) direction. Reversing lanes reduces congestion during morning and evening commutes, when there is an incident blocking a lane of traffic, or when construction or maintenance is being done on the road.
The reversible lanes that will be proposed for Wythe Creek Road in Hampton will use a combination of Static Signs, Dynamic Message Signs, Dynamic Lane Use Control Signals, and Pavement Markings. Using a combination of these traffic control devices, motorists will be informed which lanes are open or closed for their given direction of travel.
To learn more about how reversible lanes work, review these resources:
VDOT strives to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate in public decisions on transportation projects and programs affecting them. For those that cannot access the materials virtually, or who are in need of in-person accommodations, you may request an appointment for an in-person meeting by calling 757-956-3058 or by e-mail to [email protected].
Once scheduled, requested in-person meetings will provide an opportunity to review printed copies of materials and speak to a member of the project team in a coordinated location.
All persons attending any in-person meeting will be required to wear face masks and abide by all venue safety protocols. Additional safety expectations and procedures for face-to-face meetings will be shared before finalizing appointment.
Appointments scheduled in advance are required.
Provide your feedback by December 3, 2020 using a method below.

Please fill out the demographic survey and comment form shown below under
Comments to share with project team.

Email Us

Mail Us
Mr. Samba Secka
Project Manager.
7511 Burbage Drive
Suffolk, VA 23435

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In Person
by Request
Call for
appointment at
or TTY/TDD 711