Recently Completed: Skiffes Creek Connector

Project Purpose
The purpose of the Skiffes Creek Connector is to create efficient local connectivity between Route 60 and Route 143, in the area between Route 199 and Route 238, in a manner that improves safety, emergency evacuation, and the movement of goods along the two primary roadways.
This project was included in the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization's FY2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program, and was added to the 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan as a stand-alone project for preliminary engineering and right-of-way.
The Skiffes Creek Connector project consisted of design and construction of:
- a new two-lane connecting roadway between Route 60 and Route 143,
- new turn lanes and intersection improvements,
- two bridges—one bridge over Skiffes Creek and one bridge over the CSX railroad tracks and Route 143,
- and the addition of a multi-use path along eastbound Route 60 between Green Mount Parkway (route 774) and the existing bus stop.
The project was delivered as a Design-Build Project to assist in expediting delivery. Using this method, the design-build contractor performed final design, right of way acquisition and utility relocation and some construction activities concurrently.
This project provides strategic connectivity between U.S. Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) and State Route 143 (Merrimac Trail) in the vicinity of the Walmart Distribution Center in James City County to redirect industrial traffic away from James River Elementary School, reduces traffic from the Lee Hall community in the city of Newport News, and provides long-range, additional access to Fort Eustis.
The project improves safety, emergency evacuation, local connectivity and the movement of goods along the two primary roadways. These improvements are also critical to the regional transportation system to provide improved access to Virginia's ports and enhanced accessibility to existing corporations.
The Skiffes Creek Connector addressed the following needs:
Improved local connectivity – inadequate and or inefficient connectivity points between these two primary routes;
Provide efficient connectivity for local truck movement – there are known truck destinations along the corridors; and
Emergency evacuation capability – connectivity between identified evacuation routes should be enhanced to support connectivity and efficiency.
Major Milestones
Begin Study/Environmental Assessment (EA): September 2017
Project Scoping/Environmental Analysis/Public Involvement: September 2017 - November 2018
Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) Action on Location Decision: December 2018
FHWA Issued "Finding of No Significant Impact" Decision on NEPA Study: March 2019
VDOT and Shirley Contracting Company, LLC held a virtual update on the project, traffic impacts, construction schedule and other relevant information for motorists and local residents during the construction period.
The virtual update meeting can be viewed on-demand here.
Project Updates
- Project design completed
- Geotechnical work began in April 2020
- Construction activities began spring 2021
- June 2021: Project Status Update
- September 2021: Project Status Update
- Summer 2022: Project Status Update
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, December 2022: Event Release
- December 2022: Project Status Update
Hampton Roads Public Affairs
(757) 956-3030
Other relevant links:
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
On March 29, 2019 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study. The FONSI represents FHWA's decision on the project that can advance and allows VDOT to advance with more detailed phases of project development.
View the Finding of No Significant Impact here.
Environmental Assessment & Technical Reports
On June 13, 2018, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed and approved for public availability the Skiffes Creek Connector Study Environmental Assessment (EA) which can be viewed in the links below.
Environmental Assessment:
Technical Reports:
- Alternatives Analysis
- Indirect & Cumulative Effects
- Natural Resources
- Hazardous Materials
- Preliminary Noise Analysis
- Socioeconomic & Land Use
- Traffic & Transportation
Phase: Under Construction
UPC: 100200
State ID: 0060-047-627
Lat/Long: 37.208032, -76.599051
James City