In Design: Loudoun County Metrorail Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements
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This project will construct missing segments in the bicycle and pedestrian network within two miles of the future Loudoun Gateway (Route 606) and Ashburn Metrorail stations.
The improvements include:
- Shellhorn Road - A sidewalk or shared-use path on the south side of Shellhorn Road beginning at Greenway Corporate Drive and connecting to the existing trail west of Devin Shafron Drive.
- Wynridge Drive/Claude Moore Drive - A shared-use path on the south side of Wynridge Drive/Claude Moore Drive to connect the existing trail at Millwick Terrace to Old Ryan Road.
- Ashburn Village Boulevard - Missing segments of shared-use paths on the east side of Ashburn Village Boulevard between Shellhorn Road and Farmwell Road.
- Waxpool Road - A shared-use path on the west side of Waxpool Road between Red Rum Drive and Farmwell Road.
- Smith Switch Road - A shared-use path on the west side of Smith Switch Road between Stoney Run Place and Ice Rink Plaza.
- Route 606 - A shared-use path on the west side of Route 606 from the existing shared-use path at the Dulles Greenway to Moran Road.
- Prentice Drive - A shared-use path on the north side of Prentice Drive to provide a continuous path between Lockridge Road and Pacific Boulevard.
- Pacific Boulevard - A shared-use path on the west side of Pacific Boulevard to provide a continuous path between Dresden Street and Waxpool Road.
- Loudoun County Parkway - A shared-use path on the west side of Loudoun County Parkway from Beaumeade Circle to the Washington & Old Dominion Trail.
The project also features pedestrian improvements, including pedestrian signal upgrades and connecting existing shared-use paths to new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps, at the following intersections:
- Ashburn Village Boulevard and Shellhorn Road
- Farmwell Road and Ashburn Village Boulevard
- Farmwell Road and Smith Switch Road
The project is financed with local and federal funding including Regional Surface Transportation Program, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, and Highway Safety Improvement Program funds.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering - $5 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation - $18 million
Construction - $11 million
Total - $34 million
The project aims to improve bicyclist and pedestrian safety, accessibility and connectivity to the future Loudoun Gateway and Ashburn Metrorail stations.
Major Milestones
Virtual Public Information Meeting - October 2020
Virtual Design Public Hearing - May 2021
The schedule will be updated over the next several months as the project team refines the design and evaluates project delivery methods.
Zamir Mirza
Location & Design
Kimberly McCool, P.E.
Preliminary Engineering
Phase: In Design
UPC: 114664
State ID: 9999-053-209, P101
Federal ID: CMAQ-5B01 (006)
Lat/Long: 39.004848, -77.491060