Warren County - Route 340-522 (Winchester Road) Corridor STARS Study
June 2023
Est Completion Date
Spring 2024
Adam Campbell, PLA
Overview of Study
Public Input Page - Online Survey Open Through December 8, 2023
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), in collaboration with Warren County, the Town of Front Royal and ATCS Consulting, is conducting a transportation study along a 1.1-mile segment of Route 340/522 (Winchester Road). This is a state primary roadway identified as having safety and congestion needs in the vicinity of the Interstate 66 exit 6 interchange. Route 340/522 runs north and south between the Town of Front Royal and the City of Winchester. It is classified as a Principal Arterial roadway between I-66 and Front Royal, and a Minor Arterial roadway north of I-66.
This section of Route 340/522 is generally a four-lane divided highway serving as the primary entrance corridor between Front Royal and the interstate. It is an important commercial/industrial corridor north of the interstate. A high-volume corridor, this section of Route 340/522 has daily traffic volumes of 21,000 to 31,000 vehicles. The corridor experiences higher than expected crashes and afternoon peak-hour congestion. The roadway also lacks pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
The goal of this STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study is to identify recommended improvements to enhance corridor operations and safety. The study evaluates existing and future transportation conditions along Route 340/522 between the intersection with Route 637 (Guard Hill Road/Riverton Road) to the south and the intersection with Route 655 (Country Club Road/Crooked Run Boulevard) to the north. The study encompasses four signalized intersections, four stop sign-controlled intersections, and one roundabout.
STARS Study Intersections - Northern Half of Corridor
STARS Study Intersections - Southern Half of Corridor
VDOT is project manager for the study with ATCS Consulting developing the study, supporting analysis, and improvement concepts.
The town and county will consider the study’s final recommendations for advancement through state transportation funding programs.
Benefits of Study Recommendations
- Reduce conflicting turning movements by evaluating of Innovative Intersections and median improvements.
- Improve corridor operations and traffic movement through intersection improvements, access management and signal improvements.
- Evaluate the potential for non-motorized facilities including sidewalk, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian crossing improvements along the corridor.
- Recommend strategic short-term and long-term transportation improvement projects that can be prioritized by the town and county and phased over time relative to available funding.
Study Timeline
- Study kickoff meeting was held in June 2023, with supporting traffic data collected during the same month.
- Study team met in September 2023 to discuss existing corridor conditions, including corridor-wide crash analysis. Preliminary improvement alternatives were also discussed.
- Existing Conditions Presentation - September 29, 2023
Next Steps
- A public survey will be conducted in November 2023 to share the identified needs of the corridor and provide opportunities for public comment.
- Based on existing conditions, crash trends and public survey feedback, ATCS will develop improvement concepts to be reviewed and discussed at the next study team meeting (anticipated in January 2024).
- Study recommendations and deliverables will be available for the upcoming cycle of SMART SCALE transportation-funding applications in Spring 2024.